您现在的位置:建筑结构>> 期 刊>> 2002年>> 第12期>>正文内容
摘 要

    (东南大学土木工程学院  南京 210096)

[提要]  探讨了无粘结预应力开洞平板中的布筋形式。通过有限元法求得中心开洞板和偏心开洞板在4种常见的布筋形式下使用阶段的挠度和应力,结果表明,两边均匀布筋和两边都分别在柱上板带和洞口板带集中布筋两种形式在使用阶段具有几乎同样好的结构性能,所以建议在相似的预应力平板开洞工程中采用两边都分别在柱上板带和洞口板带集中布筋形式。对于洞口的选择也提出了建议。
[关键词]  预应力板  开洞板  配筋形式  无粘结预应力

Tendon distribution of unbonded prestressed slab with hole is discussed. Through the computation by finite element method with different tendon distribution, the deflection and stress of slabs with holes at different positions are obtained and analysed under normal working loads. The results show that the structural behavior of slabs with tendons banded close to column strip ancl edges of hole is as good as that with tendons uniformly distributed. In addition, some recommendations for choice of the position of hole are presented.
Keywords:  unbonded prestressed slab; slab with hole; tendon distribution;prestressed concrete



