您现在的位置:建筑结构>> 期 刊>> 2002年>> 第08期>>正文内容
《配筋砌体结构设计规范》( IS09652-3)介绍
摘 要

    苑振芳    (中国建筑东北设计研究院  沈阳 110006)

[提要]  介绍了由我国主编,由英、美、德等国参编的国际标准《配筋砌体结构设计规范》(IS09652-3)。标准集中反映了当代配筋砌体结构的设计和施工技术原则,对在世界范围内推广应用这种新型结构体系具有积极意义。在学习和借鉴该国际标准的基础上,通过几年的试验验证工作初步建立了我国的配筋砌体结构体系,并纳入《砌体结构设计规范》( GB50003-2001)中,对推动我国墙改节能国策的实施具有重要作用。
[关键词]  国际标准  配筋砌体

The international standard of Code of Practice for Design of Reinforced Masonry (IS09652-3) compiled by China and other countries such as UK, USA and Germany is briefly introduced, which covers the modern reinforced masonry design and construction principles, and will popularize the usage of the system internationally. Based upon the code of IS09652-3, a chinese reinforced masonry system is established with some tests and examinations, and this system is introduced into the national standard of Code for Design of Masonry Structures ( GB50003-2001).
Keywords:  international standard; reinforced masonry; structure design



