- 摘 要
王吉民 黄坤耀 孙炳楠 (浙江大学建筑工程学院 杭州 310027)樊春燕 (华森建筑与工程设计顾问公司 深圳 518067)
[提要] 在双塔连体结构中,连体的刚度和设置位置直接影响到连体对两塔楼所能起到的连接作用,因而影响结构整体的受力性能。分别就连体轴向刚度、竖向平面内的抗弯刚度和水平面内的抗弯刚度对结构静力性能的影响进行了研究,分析了连体在两塔楼之间的传力机理,并探讨了要引入连体楼层楼板面内刚度无穷大假定应满足的条件。此外,还分析了连体设置位置对结构静力性能的影响。
[关键词] 高层建筑 受力性能 连体刚度 连体位置As for double-tower connected tall buildings, the connection effect between the towers is directly related to the stiffness and location of the connection. The influence of the axis stiffness and the flexure stiffness on the structure capability is studied and the analysis is proceeded to discover the transferring force mechanism of the connections. In addition, the influence of location of connection on structure capability is investigated.
Keywords: tall buildings; structure capability; connections; stiffness; location