您现在的位置:建筑结构>> 期 刊>> 2002年>> 第08期>>正文内容
曹秀萍 马耀庭
摘 要

    曹秀萍      马耀庭
    (华森建筑与工程设计顾问有限公司  深圳 518067)

[提要]  高位转换对抗震是不利的,应尽量避免。但一旦建筑方案经再三讨论已无法更改的情况下,采用斜柱转换,适当加强转换层的楼盖结构,不失为一种选择方案。着重介绍了斜柱在深圳2000大厦高位转换中的应用、斜柱转换采用TBSA (5.0版) 和SATWE软件计算的结果分析和相关节点的设计及施工。
[关键词]  斜柱转换  计算结果分析  节点设计  施工

This paper elaborates the inclined columns which were used in the transforming structure in high level of Shenzhen 2000 building ( Overseas Chinese Town).  Transforming structure in high level storey is not beneficial for aseismic, but  when architecture scheme cannot be changed, using inclined columns transforming structure and strengthening the floor structure of transforming level may be the better solution of structural scheme. TBSA(5.0)and SATWE two different calculation procedure are used, and the analysis of the calculating results, the design and constrution of the joints are introduced.
Keywords: inclined  column; transforming  structure; relevant  calculating  results; design; construction; joints



