您现在的位置:建筑结构>> 期 刊>> 2002年>> 第08期>>正文内容
苏益声1 温远辉2 陆春阳1 凌国智2
摘 要

    苏益声1   温远辉2   陆春阳1   凌国智2
    (1.广西大学土木建筑工程学院  南宁 530004; 2.广西建筑科学研究设计院  南宁 530011)

[提要]  肢长厚比大于4的9根不等肢L形截面和3根不对称T形截面短肢墙的偏心受压破坏试验结果显示,截面变形基本上符合平截面假设,中和轴不垂直于弯矩作用平面,中和轴位置随荷载的增大而变化。在正截面承载力计算图式中,采用混凝土受压区等效矩形应力分布图,极限荷载计算值与试验结果符合较好。
[关键词]  钢筋混凝土  短肢墙  双向偏心受压

The experimental research on reinforced concrete short-limb wall is reported. The experimental results of 9 inequilateral L-section specimens and 3 unsymmetrical T-section specimens show that the Bernoulli's principle holds for the specimens, the neutral axis is not perpendicular to the plane that the moment acts on and the position of the neutral axis varies with the increasing of load. If equivalent rectangular stress block in the compression zone is applied in the analysis of carrying capacity, the calculating ultimate loads agree with the testing results well.
Keywords: reinforced concrete; short-limb wall; bidirectional eccentric compression



