您现在的位置:建筑结构>> 期 刊>> 2002年>> 第07期>>正文内容
徐至钧 张晓玲
摘 要
    徐至钧    (北京恒富房地产开发有限公司  100055) 
    张晓玲    (北京俊华地基基础工程技术集团  100084)

[提要]  挤扩支盘桩可根据不同土层挤扩多节支或盘,能大幅度提高桩的承载能力。从挤扩支盘桩成型的基本原理、桩的组成、挤扩装置、桩的作用机理、单桩竖向承载力计算的经验公式及其与静荷载试验对比等,全面介绍了挤扩支盘桩的工程实践和应用。
[关键词]  挤扩  支盘  灌注桩  单桩承载力

Extruding-expanding multi-brace-disk pile is a new type of pile. Its bearing capacity can be greatly enhanced after extruding and expanding multi-braces and disks according to different soil. This paper gives an overall introduction of the application of the piles in the project construction from its principle of working,structure of the pile, extruding and expanding devices and calculation formula of bearing capacity. The results of loading tests of some practice projects are compared with the calculating values.
Keywords: extruding-expanding multi-brace-disk pile; bored concrete pile; bearing capacity


