您现在的位置:建筑结构>> 期 刊>> 2002年>> 第04期>>正文内容
里景民 赵大鹏
摘 要

    里景民  赵大鹏
    (鞍山焦化耐火材料设计研究总院  114002)

[提要]  玻璃结构采用预应力组合钢压杆,不仅使承载力大大提高,而且用钢量少、外形美观。以大连百年商城超大玻璃建筑为例,介绍了其结构采用预应力斜撑杆的设计与施工方法,具有推广价值。
[关键词]  玻璃结构  斜撑杆  预应力

The prestressed composite steel bars are used for a giant glass wall. It not only improves the bearing ability of the building but also uses less steel. In addition, it has a beautiful appearance. The article takes the construction of giant glass wall for example to introduce its structure's adoption of prestressed force and long slope pressure bars, and it also introduces the construction method of prestressed force.The method can be popularized.
Keywords:  structure; giant glass wall; long slope pressure bar;  prestressed force



