您现在的位置:建筑结构>> 期 刊>> 2006年>> 第08期>>正文内容
摘 要

(河北省建筑设计研究院上海分院 上海 200125)
[提要] 结合陆家嘴国际华城二期超限高层部分框支剪力墙结构的优化设计,探讨了钢骨混凝土组合结构在框支结构中的应用。详细介绍了钢骨混凝土框支柱、框支梁及梁柱节点的设计构造,同时简要叙述了HRB400级钢筋在工程中的应用,可供工程设计人员参考。
[关键词] 超限高层 部分框支剪力墙结构 钢骨混凝土框支结构 梁柱节点构造 HRB400级钢筋

Optimum Structural Design of Phase Ⅱ Project of Lu Jiazui International City/Lü Jinguang(Shanghai Branch of Hebei Province Architecture Design & Re
asearch Institute,Shanghai 200125,China)

Abstract:According to the optimum structural design of Lu Jiazui International City  in phase Ⅱ, an outofcode partially framedsupported shear wall structure and the   application of SRC composite structures in framesupported structure are discussed.SRC framed columns, framed beams and constructions of beamtocolumn joint are  introduced.The HRB400 reinforcement  is used  in this projet. These methods can be provided as a reference for eng
ineering  designers.
Keywords:outofcode highrise building; partially framesupported shear wall structu
re; SRC framesupported structure; construction;beamtocolumn joint;
HRB400 reinforcement



