您现在的位置:建筑结构>> 期 刊>> 2002年>> 第03期>>正文内容
郑文忠 刘 铁 王 英
摘 要

    郑文忠  刘  铁  王  英
    (哈尔滨工业大学土木工程学院  150090)

[提要]  长春解放大路体育馆采用了跨度为35m的预应力混凝土框架结构。对框架结构材料选择、预应力工艺选择、预应力筋线型选择、荷载取值与内力计算、预应力效应考虑、框架大梁及顶层边柱预应力筋与非预应力筋选配、预应力混凝土边柱的张锚方案及梁柱预应力束的合理布置等问题进行了分析,提出了‘般性的原则和方法,为体育馆工程的设计建造提供了理论依据,可供建设同类工程参考。
[关键词]  预应力混凝土  框架结构  顶层边柱

The 35 meter-span prestressed concrete frames are used for Jiefang Street gymnasium in Changchun. The following problems in designing these frames are analyzed: how to determine the material of the frame, prestressing techniques, profile of prestressing strand; how to calculate external loads and internal loads, the effect of prestressing; how to compute areas of prestressing strands and non-prestressing steel in prestressed concrete girders and top-story edge columns;  how to stretch and anchor the prestressing strands; how to dispose the prestressing strands in the frame. The general principles and method for prestressed concrete frame are given. All these are the theoretical basis for design of this gymnasium. Also, these may be reference to design homogeneous building structures.
Keywords:  prestressed concrete; frame; top-story edge column



