您现在的位置:建筑结构>> 期 刊>> 2006年>> 第08期>>正文内容
蒋首超1 李国强1 周昊圣1 吕 毅2
摘 要

(1 同济大学建工系 上海 200092;2 上海机电设计研究院 200040)
[关键词] 组合楼板 抗火 参数分析 拟合公式 实用方法
A Practical Approach for Fire Resistance of Steelconcrete Composite Slabs/Jiang Shouchao1, Li Guoqiang1,Zhou Haosheng1,Lü Yi2(1 Dept. of Structural Engineering, Tongji University, Shanghai  200092, China; 2  Shanghai Institute of Mechanical & Electrical Engineering, Shanghai  200040, China)
Abstract:Employing the FEM analysis program  of the fire resistance of steelconcrete  composite floor, a parameter study is carried out on composite slabs. The effects of factors such as load level, thickness of steel deck and  slab, strength of concrete and reinforcing ratio in negative parts,are studied. A practical approach to obtain the fire resistance of composite slabs is developed by regression of numerical results. Some advices are proposed for the fire resistant design of composite slabs.
Keywords:composite slab;  fire resistance;  parameter study;practical approach;  regression method




