- 摘 要
(1 东南大学土木学院 南京 210096; 2 山东省建设厅 济南 250001)
[提要] 对标准火灾升温条件下采用YX76344688型钢承板的组合楼板截面温度场的分布规律进行了试验研究,并提出了对截面温度场进行计算模拟的改进的有限差分方法。研究结果表明,混凝土内的水分对低温区混凝土的升温过程产生很大影响,而改进后的有限差分计算方法可以合理地考虑水分的影响,很好地模拟组合楼板截面在低温区和高温区的温度场分布。最后,提出了在不同升温方式下截面温度场的实用分析方法,可供工程防火设计时使用。
[关键词] 组合楼板 火灾 温度场 试验研究 有限差分法
Experimental Study on the Section Temperature Field of Steel concrete Composite Slabs Under Fire/Han Jinsheng1,Dong Yuli2,Cheng Wenrang1,Xu Zhaodong1,Cong Shuping2(1 Civil Engineering College of Southeast University, Nanjing 210096, China;
2 Shandong Province Construction Bureau, Jinan 250001, China)
Abstract:The section temperature field of YX76344688 profiled steel sheeting composite slabs subjected to standard fire was experimented and an innovative finitedifference method is proposed to simulate the temperature filed. The study results show that the water in the concrete has great effect on the temperature rise process of concrete in low temperature region.The new improved finitedifference method can consider the effect of the water reasonably and simulate the section temperature field very well both in high and low temperature regions.A practical method is advanced to analyse the section temperature field in different calefactive manners which can be used in antifire design of structure engineering.
Keywords:composite slabs; fire temperature field; experimental study; finite difference method*国家自然科学基金项目(50178034)、973项目(2001CB4096030);国家