- 摘 要
[关键词] 钢梁钢筋混凝土柱节点 梁贯通型连接 试验
Experimental Study on Behavior of Reinforced Concrete Columnsteel Beam Subassemblies/
Zhao Zuozhou1,Qian Jiaru1,Yang Xuebin2,Zhu Wenyan3(1 Department of Civil Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084,China; 2 Beijing Industricial Design and Research Institute, Beijing 100055,China; 3 Haden (China) Co.,Ltd., Jingold Airport Construction Co.,Ltd., Beijing 100022,China)
Abstract:Test results of three steel beamreinforced concrete column subassemblies under reversed cyclic loading are introduced. A modified beamthrough type joint detailing was proposed and is adopted for the three subassemblies. Based on the experimental results, it has been proved that the joint with the proposed details performs well. The beamthrough type joint can meet the concept design requirements of strong columnweak beam and strong connection zoneweak framed element. Some design recommendations are proposed for steel beamreinforced concrete column joints.
Keywords:steel beamreinforced concrete column subassembly; beamthrough type joint; experiment
1) 清华大学土木系,北京,100084; 2) 北京市工业设计研究院,100055;
3) 海登德莱赛中国有限公司和金港机场建筑有限公司,北京,100022。