您现在的位置:建筑结构>> 期 刊>> 2003年>> 第12期>>正文内容
徐培福1 傅学怡2 耿娜娜1 王翠坤1 肖从真1
摘 要

    徐培福1   傅学怡2   耿娜娜1   王翠坤1   肖从真1
    (1 中国建筑科学研究院  北京 100013; 2 深圳大学建筑设计研究院  518060)

[提要]  介绍了搭接柱转换结构的特点,通过1:5结构模型静力试验研究,分析了竖向荷载作用下搭接块、受拉楼盖、搭接块上下柱的裂缝开展情况、预应力施加效果、应力分布、破坏形态及承载能力等,并给出了这些部位的设计要点。
[关键词]  高层建筑结构  搭接柱转换结构  搭接柱结构试验

The characteristic of transfer bracket is studied. A static l/5 structural model test of transfer bracket was carried out in China Academy of Building Reasearch. The crack development, effect of prestress, distribution of stress, form of failure and carrying capacity of the model under vertical load action are studied.Some design suggestions for the transfer bracket, floor above the transfer bracket and columns connected to the transfer bracket are provided.
Keywords:  tall building structure; transfer bracket; structural experiment; transfer bracket



