您现在的位置:建筑结构>> 期 刊>> 2003年>> 第11期>>正文内容
摘 要

    尹利群            (北京奥杰斯特建筑工程设计事务所  100088)

[提要]  针对中国医学科学院肿瘤医院外科病房楼结构设计,详细介绍了建筑物沉降不均匀和竖向体型不规则及抗震剪力墙合理布置等问题的处理以及相关措施;介绍了医院建筑的特点以及对结构设计的要求。
[关键词]  医院建筑  竖向体型不规则  差异沉降  筏板基础  弹性地基梁

The problems in design of the surgery ward building of CHCAMS are introduced which include differential settlement of foundation, irregular vertical-structure, arrangement of shear-wall etc, as well as methods to solve these problems. The character of hospital building and requirement of structure design are presented.
Keywords: hospital building; irregular structure; differential settlement; raft-slab; elastic foundation girders



