- 摘 要
(1 长安大学建工学院 西安 710061;2 苏州科技学院 215011;3 西安建筑科技大学 710055)
[提要] 将《钢结构设计规范》(GB50017—2003)中框架体系支撑条件的区分引入到错列桁架的稳定分析中,考虑初始缺陷的影响,提出了强、弱支撑错列桁架体系的划分标准,推导出了错列桁架体系柱子平面内计算长度公式。强支撑体系中柱子计算长度可以按照规范GB50017—2003计算。对弱支撑体系,提出了柱子计算长度的实用计算公式。
[关键词] 错列桁架 计算长度 钢结构设计
Effective Length of Columns in Staggered Truss Structure/Lu Linfeng1,Gu Qiang2,Su Mingzhou3(1 School of Civil Engineering,Chang'an University, Xi'an 710061,China; 2 University of Science and Technology of Suzhou,Suzhou 215011,China; 3 Xi'an University of Architecture & Technology,Xi'an 710055,China)
Abstract:The provision of frame bracing condition in the Code for Design of Steel Structures(GB50017—2003) has been led into the stability analysis of staggered truss system.Considering the effect of initial deflection,the standard to divide strong and weak bracing staggered truss system is given.The column effective length of strong bracing system can be calculated according to the current design code.For weak bracing system, the formula of calculating the effective length coefficient is provided for design of the columns.
Keywords:staggered truss;effective length;steel structure design;stability analysis*陕西省自然科学基金资助项目(20013C1)。