您现在的位置:建筑结构>> 期 刊>> 2003年>> 第07期>>正文内容
陈友泉 魏潮文
摘 要

  陈友泉  魏潮文
 (浙江杭萧钢构股份有限公司  杭州 310003)

[提要]  按《门式刚架轻型房屋钢结构技术规程》(CECS102:98)所规定的支撑受力模式,采用自编程序精确计算了轻钢结构支撑体系的内力,对通常简化计算的结果所产生的误差进行了分析比较,并对支撑体系各构件的设计提出了经济合理的方案。
[关键词]  支撑斜拉杆  直腹杆  纵向系杆

According to force component modes of bracing system in Technical Specification for Steel Structure of Light-weight Building with Gabled Frames ( CECS102:98), the exact force components of the bracing system in light steel structure are calculated by a program. The comparative analysis between the exact values and approximants calculated by simplified method is performed. The reasonable design for the members in the bracing system is suggested.
Keywords: bracing; diagonal tension member; brace strut; longitudinal strut



