您现在的位置:建筑结构>> 期 刊>> 2003年>> 第06期>>正文内容
摘 要

  龚绍熙       (同济大学  上海 200092)

[提要]  简要介绍新砌体结构设计规范关于墙梁设计等内容的修订。提出合理简便的统+计算模式,补充连续墙梁和框支墙梁设计方法,简化简支墙梁托梁计算并提高可靠度,改进墙体受剪承载力计算,补充墙梁抗震设计。对圈梁、过梁和挑梁设计也做了若干改进。
[关键词]  规范  墙梁设计  修订  砌体结构

The Code of Design of Masonry Structures (GBJ3-88) has been revised. A brief introduction is given to major improvement for the design of wall-beams etc.  in this revised edition( GB50003-2001).  The reasonable and simple compute model of wall-beams is presented. The calculation of simply supported wall-beams is simplified, and its reliability is enhanced. The calculation of continuous wall-beams and wall-beams supported on frame, and the seismic design of wall-beams are added. The calculation of shear capacity for the walls of wall-beams, and the design of ring beam, lintel and cantilever beam are improved.
Keywords: code; design; wall-beam; improvement; masonry  structure



