- 摘 要
(1 湖南大学土木工程学院 长沙 410082; 2 兰州大学 730000; 3 浙江大学 杭州 310027)
[提要] 为适应空间结构向超大跨度发展的需要,探索并提出了一种大网格套小网格的双重结构体系——巨型网格结构,主要分析了主体结构构件的主要形式、主体结构与子结构的结构形式及两者之间的合理组合与连接
[关键词] 巨型网格结构 主体结构 子结构 支承方式
Structural Forms and Support Style of Reticulated Mega\|structure/He Yongjun1,Zhou Xuhong2,Dong Shilin3(1 Institute of Civil Engineering,Hunan University,Changsha 410082,China; 2 Lanzhou University,Lanzhou 730000,China; 3 Zhejiang University,Hangzhou 310027,China)
Abstract:For the need of development of space structure of super long span,a new structural system\|reticulated mega\|structure is presented,which is built of main\|structure and substructure braced in main\|structure.The constructions of main\|structure and sub\|structure,different compositions and link ways between main\|structure and sub\|structures are researched.Support styles of main\|structure are also discussed.
Keywords:reticulated mega\|structure;main\|structure; sub\|structure; support style*湖南省自然科学基金资助项目(02JJY3011)。