您现在的位置:建筑结构>> 期 刊>> 2003年>> 第05期>>正文内容
王全凤 张 波 罗 漪
摘 要

    王全凤  张  波  罗  漪
    (华侨大学土木工程系  泉州 362011)

[提要]  基于剪力墙高度不同对框-剪结构地震反应的影响,以及不是对所有的框-剪结构都需要把其剪力墙延伸至整个结构高度的结论,作者采用杆系-层间模型对剪力墙高度不同的、剪力墙刚度中断的框-剪结构模型进行地震响应分析,得出了剪力墙可在框-剪结构反弯点以上截断的观点。同时,确定了该模型结构的转换层处楼层刚度比,并以此作为衡量转换层是否需要加强的具体技术指标。
[关键词]  框-剪结构  刚度中断  转换层  反弯点  楼层刚度比

In references to the seismic responses of frame-shear wall structures with shear wall interruption, it was concluded that not all frame-shear wall structures need to extend their shear walls to the height of entire structure. The seismic responses of frame-shear wall with different shear wall interruptions are studied by using the member-story model, a conclusion is given that the shear wall should be interrupted above the point of inflection of the structure if need. At the same time, the transform floor stiffness ratio of the model structure is confirmed and taken as the criterion to determine that the transform floor is reinforced or not.
Keywords: frame-shear wall structure; stiffness interruption; transform floor; point of inflection; story stiffness ratio



