您现在的位置:建筑结构>> 期 刊>> 2006年>> 第08期>>正文内容
杨建平1 常好诵1 幸坤涛1 佟晓利1 程海波2 王 发2 周有淮2
摘 要

(1 中冶集团建筑研究总院 北京 100088;2 宝山钢铁股份有限公司设备部 上海 201900)
[关键词] 分离式柱 疲劳 吊车荷载 应力测量 加固
Fatigue Failure of Separate Steel Columns in a Working Platform Frame/Yang Jianping1,Chang Haosong1,Xing Kuntao1,Tong Xiaoli1,Cheng Haibo2,Wang Fa 2,Zhou Youhuai 2
(1 National Diagnosis and Rehabilitation of Industrial Building Research Center,Beijing 100088,China; 2 Equipment Department,Baoshan Iron & Steel Co.,Ltd.,Shanghai 201900,China)
Abstract:Separate columns braced by working platform frame are subjected to loading of heavy working cranes up to 450/80t. Within  20 years since they were built up, cracks were found at the top of the columns. Stress measurement and structure analyses show that there were high compression stress and initial tension stress at the the top of the columns because of inappropriate construction design. Under the repeated loading of the cranes, the fatigue strength of the columns is insufficient, and fatigue failures occurred. Considering that the initial stress could be released with the cracks initiation, a local  strengthening measure is presented and it has been executed.
Keywords:separate column; fatigue; crane loading; stress measurement; strengthening



