您现在的位置:建筑结构>> 期 刊>> 2003年>> 第03期>>正文内容
张守峰 徐继伟
摘 要

    张守峰  徐继伟
    (中国建筑设计研究院  北京100044)

[提要]  在软弱地基上进行基础设计时,往往会遇到许多复杂的问题,如垃圾坑、泥塘等。有时还需要对高层建筑和多层建筑进行沉降变形协调。结合位于垃圾坑上的一住宅小区的地基基础设计,重点分析了高层住宅楼的桩基设计,介绍了车库、会所的地基处理方法,可供类似工程参考。
[关键词]  单桩承载力  场地地基处理  基础设计  静载试验

Designing foundation on the soft ground, we often meet many complex problems, for example: rubbish pits, ponds and so on. Sometimes we must coordinate the settlement difference of the tall buildings and the low buildings. Considering the distinct load of the tall buildings and the multistorey buildings of a residential area, the different foundations and ground treatments are adopted to cope with the settlement difference.
Keywords: bearing capacity; pile; site; ground treatment; foundation design; static load experiments



