您现在的位置:建筑结构>> 期 刊>> 2008年>> 第10期>>正文内容
张光玮1 张勋斌2 邵 军1 黄宗明1
摘 要

张光玮1    张勋斌2    邵  军   黄宗明1
(1 重庆大学土木工程学院,重庆 400045; 2 重庆市江北城开发投资有限公司,重庆 400020)

[摘要] 通过对8根长细比为20~25的钢筋混凝土细长柱极限承载能力试验,研究了在大长细比区域柱子的长细比、配筋率、混凝土强度等对钢筋混凝土细长柱的极限承载能力及破坏形态的影响。试验结果表明,在大长细比区域,长细比的增加对构件的极限承载力降低效应更加显著;当长细比达到25后,宜采用模型柱法进行设计,偏心距增大系数法设计所增加的纵筋配筋率对提高构件极限承载力的作用不大:但混凝土的强度等级仍然对试件的承载力及破坏形态有较大影响,当混凝土强度接近或大于C60时,即使是长细比为25的构件也可能发生失稳破坏。
[关键词] 钢筋混凝土细长柱;大长细比;极限承载力

Experiment study on bearing capacity of reinforced concrete slender columns
Zhang Guangwei1, Zhang Xunbin2, Shao Jun1, Huang Zongming1
(1 College of Civil Engineering, Chongqing University, Chongqing 400045, China;  2 Chongqing Jiangbeicheng Investment Development Co., Ltd., Chongqing 400020, China)

Abstract: The eight reinforced concrete slender columns with the slenderness ratio from 20 t0 25 are investigated on the effect of the slendeness, the reinforcement ratio, the concrete strength on the ultimate bearing capacity and the failure mode of reinforced concrete slender columns. The results show that the more slenderness of the columns, the heavier effects on the ultimate loads reduction. When the slenderness ratio of the columns is 25 0r more, the model column method is better to calculate the longitudinal reinforcement than the eccentricity accreting factor method, and the later metbod will require more reinforcement which is seldemly useful to increase ultimate bearing capacity of the columns. However, the concrete strength has evident effects on the ultimate bearing capacity and the failure mode of the colums. When the concrete strength is close to or more than C60, the instability failure mode of the columns, even if the slenderness ratio is 25, may be occured.
Keywords: reinforced concrete slender columns;  highier slenderness;  ultimate bearing capacity



