- 摘 要
(1河海大学土木工程学院 南京 210098;2东南大学土木工程学院 南京 210096)
【提要】 分析了建筑物整体平移工程施工中影响结构安全的因素,提出在工程施工中应对轨道平整度、沉降差、各轴行程差与横向偏差、最大移动速度和房屋振动加速度等指标进行控制。根据实际工程的实时监测结果和结构受力分析,结合现行国家规范,分别给出了上述参数的控制参考限值。
【关键词】 建筑物整体平移 施工 控制指标 限值
Construction Monitoring Indexes and Determination of the Limit Value for Building Monolithic Moving Engineering/Wu Erjun1,Li Aiqun2(1 College of Civil Eng.,Hehai University,Nanjing 210098,China; 2 College of Civil Eng.,Southeast University,Nanjing 210096,China)
Abstract:The factors influencing safe of the structure in building monolithic moving engineering are analyzed.According to the analysis,it is advised that the level degree of moving travel,settlement difference,moving distance difference between axises,transverse difference,moving velocity and acceleration should be monitored.Based on the realtime monitoring,structure analysis and current code,the limit values of those construction parameters are discussed.
Keywords:building monolithic moving;construction;parameter;limit value