您现在的位置:建筑结构>> 期 刊>> 2006年>> 第07期>>正文内容
管品武 1 刘立新 1 张达勇 2
摘 要

(1郑州大学土木工程学院 450002;2河南省机关事务管理局 郑州 450000)
【提要】 作为钢筋延性标志的伸长率,长期以来用断口伸长率表达,但其只是局部区域的残余伸长,难以代表钢筋真正的变形能力。钢筋在最大力下的总伸长率(均匀伸长率)才是钢筋变形能力的真正代表。通过试验研究及调查统计,明确了目前我国传统的以断口延伸率反映钢筋延性所存在的缺陷,探讨了以钢筋均匀伸长率作为钢筋延性指标的意义及钢筋均匀伸长率简易测量方法,同时在仔细比较国外先进的混凝土结构规范对钢筋延性需求指标的基础上,建议用均匀伸长率代替断口伸长率,以真实地反映钢筋的变形能力及延性,保证混凝土结构
【关键词】 钢筋混凝土结构 钢筋 延性 均匀伸长率
Investigation on Ductility Index of Steel in Conrete Structure/Guan Pinwu1,Liu Lixin1,Zhang Dayong2(1 School of Civil Eng.,Zhengzhou University,Zhengzhou 450002,China; 2 Government Office Administration of Henan Province,Zhengzhou 450000,China)
Abstract:The breaking elongation is the ductility index of the reinforcement in China,but it is only the resident elongation of broken region rather than the ductility of the reinforcement.The symmetrical elongation of reinforcements is introduced as the ductility index,and the simplified test method is also presented for popularizing in application.Based on the comparison of the ductility index of reinforcements in different countries codes in
 detail,it is suggested that the symmetrical elongation is more rational than the breaking elongation as the ductility index of reinforcements in reinforced concrete structures.
Keywords:reinforcement;ductility;symmetrical elongation



