您现在的位置:建筑结构>> 期 刊>> 2009年>> 第02期>>正文内容
摘 要

叶列平,方鄂华 (清华大学土木工程系,北京100084)

[摘要]  地震作用计算是结构抗震设计首先要解决的问题。我国自89抗震规范开始采用按多遇地震(小震)计算地震作用。国际上主要抗震国家和我国78抗震规范都采用按设防烈度地震(中震)计算地震作用。随着抗震规范在修订、发展和使用中不断暴露出来的各种问题,学术界和工程界多次提出恢复到按中震计算地震作用,以解决现行抗震规范及其它结构设计规范中存在的一系列问题。近年来,随着基于性能抗震设计方法的发展,这一问题又再次被提出。2004年编制出版的《建筑工程抗震性态设计通则》采用的是按中震计算地震作用。在介绍两种地震作用计算方法的基础上,讨论了两种方法的优缺点,并基于性能抗震设计的发展,提出了我国地震作用计算方法的研究方向。
[关键词]  地震;基于性能的抗震设计;小震计算;中震计算

Discussion on calculation method of earthquake force for building structures
    Ye Lieping,Fang Ehua
    (Department of Civil Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China)

Abstract:  Since the aseismic design code of 1989's version for building structures in China, the earthquake forces is determined according the frequent eanhquake intensity.  But the seismic design code before 1978's version and the codes of other countries that have earthquake resistance requirement, the earthquake forces are determined according the design earthquake intensity. After presening the background of these two methods, the advantages and disadvantages for both methods are presented and discussed. The method of seismic design based on performance for determination of earthquake force is put forward.
Keywords:  earthquake; seismic design based performance;  designed according the frequent earthquake intensity; designed according the design earthquake intensity




