您现在的位置:建筑结构>> 期 刊>> 2006年>> 第07期>>正文内容
沈朝勇 周福霖 黄襄云 罗学海 魏陆顺
摘 要

(广州大学工程抗震研究中心  广州 510405)
【提要】对某框剪结构办公楼采用橡胶隔震支座隔震设计进行了探讨。采用等效侧力法和SAP2000 非线性有限元程序方法,对隔震结构进行了小震水平剪力、大震隔震层位移计算;对非隔震结构进行了小震水平剪力的计算,并对隔震结构与非隔震结构在小震时的水平剪力进行了对比;将等效侧力法与SAP2000 非线性计算的部分结果进行了对比,发现隔震结构计算的第一周期相差很小,但小震剪力比、隔震结构大震位移相差较大。通过合理布置隔震支座的平面位置,可使上部结构的质心与隔震层的刚心尽量重合,通过对隔震层
【关键词】  框架结构  隔震设计  等效侧力法  非线性有限元分析  偏心率  SAP2000
Seismic Isolation Design and Research of a Frameshear Wall Structure Office Building/
Shen Chaoyong1,2,Zhou Fulin2,Huang Xiangyun2,Luo Xuehai2,Wei Lushun 2(1 School of Architecture,South China University of Technology,Guangzhou 5106
40,China; 2 Earthquake Eng. Research Test Center,Guangzhou Univ.,Guangzhou 510405, China)
Abstract:Seismic isolation design of one frameshear wall structure office building is p
erformed. The method of equivalent lateral force and SAP2000 nonlinear program are
adopted in the isolator structure design. The horizontal shear force of the isolated structure in minor earthquake and the horizontal displacement of isolation layer in major earthquake are calculated, and the force of the nonisolated structure is also calculated. According to the code of seismic design of buildings, the value of the horizontal shear force of isolated structure versus that of nonisolated structure in  minor earthquake is calculated and chec
ked, and the displacement of isolationlayer in isolated structure is also checked.They all meet the need of the code. Some results of the equivalent lateral force and SAP2000 program are compared.It can be concluded that the difference is less in the period of isolated structure, but there is much difference in the maximum ratio of the shear force in the stage of minor earthquake and in the displacement of the isolation layer in the major earthquake. After the isolators are reasonably arranged in the plan, it can shorten the distance between the center of mass and the center of stiffness, and reduce the torsion response of isolated structure.The ratio of eccentricity of the isolation layer is also si
mple calculated and testified the effect.
Keywords:frameshear wall structure; isolation design; equivalent lateral force; nonlinear analysis; ratio of eccentricity



