- 摘 要
(北京市建筑设计研究院 北京 100045)
【提要】 介绍了近四十年来不同高度的各类结构形式(框架结构、框剪结构、板柱结构、板柱剪力墙结构)的房屋在地震中的表现(好的或坏的),分析了其原因。指出了现行国家规范中对框架结构、板柱剪力墙结构最大适用高度的规定的不妥之处,并提出了修改建议。同时对规范中某些易被工程师忽略、误解的规定进行了强调和说明。
【关键词】 框架结构 框剪结构 板柱剪力墙结构 倒塌 损坏 延性框架 脆性破坏 冲切破坏
Some Thoughts about Existing Code—the Maximum Suitable Height of Concrete Structural Building/Cheng Maokun,Yu Donghui(Beijing Institute of Architectural Design,Beijing 100045, China)
Abstract:The performance of many kinds of structural system is introduced in earthquakes during the past 40 years, some good and some bad,and the reasons are analyzed.It is pointed out that the maximum suitable height of frame structure and flatplate shearwall structure is not proper on Chinese existing code.Then the suggestions and the modifications are given.
Some regulations that are capably overlooked or misunderstood by engineers on code are emphasized and explained.
Keywords:frame structure;frameshearwall structure;flatplate shearwall structure; failure;damage;ductile momentresistant frame;brittle damage;punching shear failure