您现在的位置:建筑结构>> 期 刊>> 2004年>> 第09期>>正文内容
高 飞 黄永进 赵伟越
摘 要

 高  飞  黄永进  赵伟越 (上海岩土工程勘察设计研究院 200002)

[提要]  在强夯施工过程中,地面振动对周围环境的影响已是一个不容忽视的问题。借用弹性半空间理论中刚性基础瞬态振动的位移解,提出了估算强夯地面振动竖向速度峰值的半经验公式。工程实例的实测数据验证了半经验公式的可靠性,可为强夯振动环境效应评价提供有益的参考。
[关键词]  强夯  动力基础  地面振动  环境效应

Vibration generated by dynamic compaction is often detrimental to the surrounding neighbourhood. Based on elastic half space theory for arigid dynamic machine foundation,  a method for the maxlmum peak of vertical velocity of ground vibration caused by dynamic compaction is presented. Agreement is found with the result obtained in field tests. The method can be a useful reference for environmental impact evaluation.
Keywords: dynamic compaction; ground  vibration; envlronmental impact

    参  考  文  献
1.Miller G F, Pursy H. On the partition of energy between elastic waves ln the semi-infinite isotropic solid. Proc of Royal Society, London, A, 1964, 223.
2.Svinkin M R. Prediction and calculation of construction vibrations. 24th Annual Members' Conference, Decades of Technology-Advancing into the Future, 1999.
3.Mayne P W. Ground response to dynamic compaction. Journal of Geotechnical Engineering,  ASCE,  1984, 110(6).
4.何少敏,王贻荪.瞬态地面波动分析及试验.湖南大学学报,1992, 19(3).
6.Bollingr G A著,刘锡荟,熊建国译,爆炸振动分析.北京:科学出版社,1975.



