您现在的位置:建筑结构>> 期 刊>> 2004年>> 第06期>>正文内容
江欢成 丁朝辉 杜 刚 吕炳庚 王 健 沈南生 沈 激
摘 要

 江欢成  丁朝辉  杜  刚  吕炳庚  王  健  沈南生  沈  激
  (上海现代建筑设计(集团)有限公司江欢成设计事务所 200041)

[提要]  受业主委托对重庆市三幢204.8m高的超限高层结构进行了优化设计。通过将高位厚板转换层改为
[关键词]  超限高层建筑  优化设计  刚度  梁式转换结构  核心钢管混凝土组合柱

The structural design of three super high-rise buildings with 204.8m high was optimized by using transfer girder instead of thick transfer slab,using RC hybrid column with CFST core instead of concrete column and shortening the shearwall. The optimized structure saves 15 000m3 concrete and 760t steel tube and is more convenient for the architectural design. The contrast of rigidity between the upper part and the lower part of optimized structure is more reasonable,and the reliability is increased.
Keywords:  optimization design; vertical rigidity; transfer girder; RC hybrid column; concrete filled steel tubular( CFST)core



