您现在的位置:建筑结构>> 期 刊>> 2012年>> 第04期>>正文内容
周福霖1,崔鸿超2,安部重孝(日)3,吕西林4,孙玉平(日)5,李振宝6,李爱群7,冯德民(日)8,李英民9,薛松涛(日)10, 包联进11
摘 要

——中日联合考察团(执笔:周福霖1,崔鸿超2,安部重孝(日)3,吕西林4,孙玉平(日)5,李振宝6,李爱群7,冯德民(日)8,李英民9,薛松涛(日)10, 包联进11)(1 广州大学工程抗震研究中心,广州 510405;2 上海中巍结构设计事务所有限公司,上海 200135;3 日本建筑构造技术者协会,东京 102-0075;4 同济大学结构工程与防灾研究所,上海 200092;5 神户大学工学研究科,神户 657-8501;6 北京工业大学,北京 100124;7东南大学混凝土及预应力混凝土结构教育部重点实验室,南京 210096;8 日本藤田公司技术中心,厚木 243-0125;9 重庆大学土木工程学院,重庆 400045;10 东北工业大学工学部建筑系,仙台 980-8555;11 华东建筑设计研究院有限公司,上海 200092)


[关键词]东日本大地震;震害; 海啸;长周期;减震;隔震;抗震加固;核电站;核灾害


Inspection report  of the disaster of the East Japan earthquake  by Sino-Japanese joint mission

Zhou Fulin1, Cui Hongchao2, Shigetaka ABE3, Lü Xilin4, Sun Yuping5, Li Zhenbao6,Li Aiqun7, Feng Demin8, Li Yingmin9, Xue Songtao10, Bao Lianjin11(1 Guangzhou University,Earthquake Engineering R. & T.Center (EERTC),Guangzhou 510405,China;2 China Majesty Structure Design Office Co.,Ltd.,Shanghai 200135,China;3 Japan Structural Consultants Association,Tokyo 102-0075,Japan; 4 Research Institute of Structural Engineering and Disaster Reduction, Tongji University,Shanghai 200092,China;5 Kobe University,Kobe 657-8501,Japan;6 Beijing University of Technology,Beijing 100124,China;7 Key Laboratory of Concrete and Prestressed Concrete Structures of Minstry of Education,Southeast University,Nanjing 210096,China;8 Technology Development Division,Fujita Corp.,Atsugi 243-0125,Japan;9 College of Civil Engineering,Chongqing University,Chongqing 400045,China;10 Department of Architecture,Faculty of Engineering,Tohoku Institute of Technology,Sendai City  980-8555,Japan;11 East China Architectural Design & Research Institute,Shanghai 200092,China)

Abstract:East Japan earthquake is the largest magnitude earthquake in recent years, the earthquake itself and the result of earthquake damage have many unique features. This report contains  the site visit of the Sino-Japanese joint delegation and the main content of the related discussed issues. The first is the basic and main features of the East Japan earthquake, tsunami and scope, characteristics and severity made the highlights. Destruction of buildings in the earthquake disaster that are directly caused by the earthquake is not serious. In addition to the general earthquake situation and earthquake damage, the report specifically for the seismic characteristics and domestic concern, highlights the following contents. The long-period ground motion is a feature of this earthquake, and  it describes its characteristics, impact and the issue to be examined; Energy-dissipated and seismically isolated technology development status and performance in the earthquake are described in detail, at the same time  the issue of development of the damping and isolation is explained; It also explains the situation in the earthquake,  experience and guide of seismic reinforcement works; Widespread concern in the seismic design of nuclear power plants, combined with the Fukushima nuclear power plant accident, has made a presentation; Finally, it describes the  seismic countermeasures on building structures by construction authorities in Japan after the earthquake.

Keywords:East Japan earthquake; earthquake disaster; tsunami; long-period; energy-dissipation; seismic isolation; seismic reinforcement; nuclear power plant; nuclear disaster







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