您现在的位置:建筑结构>> 期 刊>> 2006年>> 第05期>>正文内容
摘 要

(中国建筑设计研究院 北京 100044)
【提要】 设计于1979~1983年的北京国际饭店是一座平面复杂、由弧线构成的高层建筑。介绍了在当时由于受计算机容量及计算假定的限制,以及当时设计规范对这类复杂平面的高层建筑规定不完善的情况下,通过模型试验对计算分析进行论证和参照国外规范进行设计。工程在设计中较早地引入了延性抗震设计概念。
箱形基础 模型试验 结构分析 延性设计

Structural Design of Beiijng International Hotel/Zhang Shitong(China Architecture Design & Research Group,Beijing 100044,China)
Abstract:Beijing International Hotel designed in 1979 to 1983 is a complicated tall building. At that time,the code for design of building structures is not suitable for the complicated tall building and the hardware and software of computers are not advanced enough to analyse complicated tall building. The structural design of the building referring to the codes of USA and the codes of New Zealand,and the experiment to model of the structure are introduced. The idea of ductility design is introduced in the structural design of this building.
Keywords:box foundation; model experiment; structural analysis; ductility design



