您现在的位置:建筑结构>> 期 刊>> 2006年>> 第05期>>正文内容
张淮代伟明 王树乐
摘 要

(中国建筑设计研究院 北京 100044)
【提要】 天元港国际中心是一座多功能商业写字楼。工程主体结构基础采用了CFG复合地基加平板式筏基基础,工程沉降满足规范限制。上部结构为框架核心筒结构体系,采用了现浇预应力空心楼板,并通过设置暗梁等其它措施,使预应力空心楼盖的受剪、受弯、抗裂等都满足要求。工程整体计算分析结果表明,结构的层间位移角满足规范要求,说明结构设计合理。总结了结构设计中采取的若干技术措施,可供类似工程参考。
【关键词】 基础设计 楼盖 预应力空心板 暗梁 构造措施
Structural Design of Tianyuangang International Centre/Zhang Huaiyong,Dai Weiming,Wang Shule(China Architecture Design & Research Group,Beijing 100044,China)Abstract:Tianyuangang International Centre is a multifunction commercial lettering building.The CFG composite ground and flat raft basement are adopted in the foundation design.The frame coretube system is used in the upper structure,and the prestressed hollow floor slab is applied.The hidden beams and other measures are adopted,and the bearing capacities of moment,shear force and anticrack meet the requirement.The results of structural analysis show that the interstory displacement angle is rational,which indicates that the structural design is reasonable.The measures in the design are concluded, and the structural design can be referred in similar engineering.
Keywords:foundation design; floor slab; prestressed hollow slab; hidden beam; construction measure



