您现在的位置:建筑结构>> 期 刊>> 2006年>> 第05期>>正文内容
刘国友 申 林 郁银泉 宋文晶 张 鹤
摘 要

(中国建筑标准设计研究院 北京 100044)
【提要】 数字北京大厦为双塔结构,中部地下层1~4为共享大厅,建筑总长度为137m,在层11双塔之间设连廊。介绍主体结构方案的确定,线性及非线性分析,单跨框架剪力墙结构在剪力墙间距较大时的计算及构造处理,超长结构不设伸缩缝处理,局部连接薄弱处的加强处理,连廊的抗震支座及共享大厅钢架的设计等问题,供同类设计参考。
【关键词】 双塔结构 单跨框架剪力墙结构 超长结构 抗震支座
Structural Design and Key Solutions of Beijing Digital Plaza/Liu Guoyou,Shen Lin,Yu Yinquan,Song Wenjing,Zhang He(China Institute of Building Standard Design & Research,Beijing 100044,China)
Abstract:Beijing digital plaza is a doubletowered building which is 137 meters long.The center space of the plaza is an atrium from floor B1 to 4,and two towers are connected by a steel corridor on the 11th floor.The scheme design of structure,linear and nonlinear analysis,the calculation and details solution of single span frame shearwall structure among long space between shear walls,overlength structure without expansion point,the strengthening of locally weak area,the seismic design of the bearings of the corridor and the design of the steel frame of the atrium are mainly presented.
Keywords:doubletowered buildings;single span frame shearwall structure;overlength structure;antiseismic bearing



