- 摘 要
(中国建筑设计研究院标准院 北京 100044)
【提要】 中国海洋石油办公楼建筑面积96 340m2,结构总高度745m。为北京东四D1区标志性建筑。结构体型复杂,主楼平面为一个空心、圆角三角形,边框架柱为斜柱,整体呈倒置三棱柱体。平面中心是一个三角形全高采光挑空中庭,内设钢结构空中走廊,并悬吊于楼顶。主要介绍主楼设计分析的结构方案、线性和非线性分析、斜柱的处理、柱过渡段节点的处理、内部大悬挑楼梯的设计等问题。
【关键词】 高层建筑 结构设计 斜柱框架 空中钢结构走廊
Structural Design and Key Solutions of the Office Building of China National Offshore Oil Corporation/Shen Lin,Liu Guoyou,Yu Yinquan,Hu Tianbing,Song Wenjing(China Institute of Building Standard Design & Research,China Architecture Design & Research Group,Beijing 100044,China)
Abstract:The total area of the office building of the China National Offshore Oil Corporation is 96 340 m2,with the structural height of 745m.The plane of the tower is a hollow filleted triangle.The faade is made up of declining columns just like an inverse triangular prism.The centre space is a triangle hollow atrium with a steel corridor(at the floor 5)hanging to the top of the building.The structural design and several key solutions of the building,such as structural scheme,linear and nonlinear analysis,solution of declining column,transition joints connecting different shape columns,design of cantilever stair,are discussed.
Keywords:highrise building;structure design;declining columns;steel corridor