- 摘 要
(中国建筑设计研究院 北京 100044)
【提要】 首都博物馆新馆是一项典型的大型复杂工程,该建筑在结构平面和竖向都极不规则,很难用普通意义上单一的结构体系来描述,且集中了多个结构设计难题。详细介绍了其结构设计条件、参数取值及结构体系的确定,并提出对椭圆形斜筒的偏心受力、超长结构、大跨度楼盖、地基不均匀沉降等问题的具体处理方法。
【关键词】 结构设计 不规则结构 偏心受力 超长结构 大跨度楼盖
Main Structural Design of the Capital Museum Building/Ren Qingying,Zhang Ruilong,Fan Zhong(China Architecture Design & Research Group,Beijing 100044,China)
Abstract:The Capital Museum building is a complex structure.Because of its irregular structural arragement in plane and vertical,it is difficult to describe in an ordinary structural system. The structural design conditions,the selection of design coefficients and the structural system are presented in detail. Several related problems such as eccentric structure,superlong structure,large span floor,diverse settlement of subsoil,are discussed.
Keywords:structural design;irregular structure;eccentric structure;superlong structure; large span floor