- 摘 要
(中国建筑设计研究院 北京 100044)
【提要】 北京市人民检察院办公楼主体结构采用框架剪力墙结构,局部采用钢结构,结构平面布置复杂,采用防震缝将结构各部分分开。通过设置后浇带解决结构南塔超长问题。中庭为大空间独立结构单元,设计中采用了钢结构。总结了工程钢结构部分在设计中采取的若干措施。对工程整体用SATWE软件进行了计算,结果表明,结构变形满足规范要求,说明结构设计合理。
【关键词】 高层建筑 框架抗震墙结构 钢结构 计算分析
Structural Design of New Office Building of the People's Procuratorate of Beijing/Zhang Jianyu,Wang Libo,Huo Wenying,Yang Wei(China Architecture Design & Research Group,Beijing 100044,China)
Abstract:The frame shearwall system is used in the main structure of the people's procuratorate of Beijing,and stell structure is adopted paritially.The structural plane is complex,and the quakeproof fissure is used to split different parts of the structure.The propouring drip is applied because of the super length of the south tower.The atrium is a separate structural element,and the steel structure is adopted in design. Several measures are concluded in the steel structure design.The SATWE software is used to calculate the total structure,and the results show that the deformation meets the requirement,which shows that the structural design is rational.
Keywords:highrise;building;frame shearwall structure;steel structure steel;calculation and analysis