您现在的位置:建筑结构>> 期 刊>> 2006年>> 第05期>>正文内容
王 载 任庆英 张晓宇 范玉辰 邵 筠 方灯义
摘 要

(中国建筑设计研究院 北京 100044)
【提要】 金鼎大厦地上由2幢21层塔楼组成,地下共四层。设计中从结构合理、专业协调、便于施工并满足业主需求等角度全面进行了基础、地下室楼面、塔楼等的结构方案比较及优化,对塔楼标准层楼面进深梁、悬挑钢梯等构件也进行了优化。塔楼采用了钢框架钢筋混凝土筒体结构体系,地下室楼面非预应力空心板采用了旋转布置形式,受力合理,对于其他工程结构设计的方案选择具有参考价值。
【关键词】 方案比较 空心板 混合结构 组合梁 悬挑钢梯
Optimization and Comparison of Different Structural Schemes in Jinding Building Design/
Wang Zai,Ren Qingying,Zhang Xiaoyu,Fan Yuchen,Shao Jun,Fang Dengyi(China Architecture Design & Research Group,Beijing 100044,China)
Abstract:Jinding Building is composed of two towers above the ground and a fourlevel basement. The design of foundation,basement floor,structural schemes of the towers is optimized based on structural reasonability,cooperation among different specialities, convenience for construction and satisfaction of the owner. The design of gravity beams of typical level and cantilevered steel stairs is also optimized from different points of view. Steel framereinforced concrete corewall structural system is promising in highstorey building. The spiral arrangement of the tube fillers is reasonable for load transfer of basement hollow concrete floor. The conclusion is useful for other projects.
Keywords:comparison of structural schemes,hollow concrete floor system; mixed structure; composite steel and concrete beam; cantilevered steel stair



