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童根树 吴光美
摘 要

     (浙江大学土木系 杭州310027 东华工程公司 合肥230000)

[提要] 对国内外钢柱脚锚栓设计方法进行了回顾和比较,对单个锚栓的破坏模式和承载力进行了总结。比较发现,与我国不允许锚栓参与抗剪的规定相反,欧美国家都考虑锚栓参与抗剪;在锚栓抗拉强度设计值的取值方面,欧美等国将锚栓的强度设计值取与普通螺栓或与制作螺栓的材料相应的强度设计值,而我国规范的取值则在普通螺栓已经较低的基础上再打8折。基于对国内外不同设计方法的分析归纳,提出了单个锚栓的设计准则的建议,供锚栓设计时参考。
[关键词] 钢柱脚 锚栓 设计 承载力
The design methods of steel column bases used in various countries are reviewed. Load-carrying capacity of a single anchor bolt is summarized. And it is revealed that, in contrary to the current method used in China which does not allow anchor bolts to resist shear force, but in Europe the bolts are allowed to resist shear force. The design stress of anchor bolts is also too conservative in China. A new criterion for anchor bolt is suggested which represents a compromise between various methods.
Keywords: anchor bolt; steel column; column base; load-carrying capacity


