您现在的位置:建筑结构>> 期 刊>> 2011年>> 第11期>>正文内容
摘 要

[摘要]半个世纪以来,我国混凝土结构理论及规范从无到有,经历了从照搬、模仿到自主编制的过程。早期引用原苏联规范,后来改用安全系数法设计。20世纪70年代以来,中国建筑科学研究院结构所围绕规范修订,组织进行了六批系统的试验研究,奠定了我国现代混凝土结构理论的基础,并成为历次规范修订的依据。GBJ 10—89规范全面确定了我国混凝土结构设计规范的基本模式;GB 50010—2002规范开始从“构件计算”向“结构设计”过渡;新修订的GB 50010—2010规范有效地提高了构件的抗力、增加了结构的耐久性及抗灾性能、补充了既有结构设计的原则,提升了我国混凝土结构的总体安全水平,通过采用高强钢筋,使材料消耗与上一版规范规定相比基本持平或有所下降。简要介绍了规范修订的主要内容,提出了今后混凝土结构试验及科研的方向与建议。
[关键词]混凝土结构; 试验研究; 理论发展; 规范修订
中图分类号:TU318.4 文献标识码: A文章编号:1002-848X(2011)11-0008-04
Review of development of the basic theory and the codes of concrete structure in China
Xu Youlin, Liu Gang(CABR Technology Co., Ltd., China Academy of Building Research, Beijing 100013, China)
Abstract: During half century past, the basic theory and the codes of concrete structure in our country have come from nonexistence to pass into existence, copying or imitating to establishing by ourselves. Early codes were origin of the codes of Soviet Union, after that, the safety coefficient design method is brought into the codes. From 70s’ of last century, six series of test research were organized by China Academy of Building Research and the achievements founded the basis of the theories of modern concrete structure in China and have been the basis of the building code revising. The basic mode of our design code of concrete structure was defined by the building code of GB J10—89, the building code of GB 50010—2002 brought the code from structure member design to structure design, and the new building code of GB 50010—2010 promotes the capability of structure member, durability and the antidisaster ability of structure, adds the principal of exist structure design. The degree of safety of concrete structure is promoted, but the material amount is kept or declined by the using of high strength steel bars. The main revising content of new building code is introduced and the suggestions to hereafter concrete structure test research are proposed.
Keywords: concrete structure; test research; theory development; code revising
[1]GBJ 21—66钢筋混凝土结构设计规范[S].
[2]TJ 10—74钢筋混凝土结构设计规范[S].
[3]GB J10—89混凝土结构设计规范[S].
[4]GB 50010—2002混凝土结构设计规范[S].
[5]GB 50204—2002混凝土结构工程施工质量验收规范[S].
[6]GB 50666—2010混凝土结构工程施工规范[S].
[7]GB 50010—2010混凝土结构设计规范[S].



