您现在的位置:建筑结构>> 期 刊>> 2011年>> 第10期>>正文内容
摘 要

[关键词]组合支护体系; 基坑; 土钉墙; 锚拉桩(墙); 土钉内力; 监测
Stress monitoring and analysis on upper soil nailing  of super deep foundation pit with composite retaining system
 Zhang Zhiping, Cheng Xuejun(China State Construction International Co., Beijing 100125, China)
Abstract:The composite retaining system is composed by soil nailing wall on the upper side and piles (or diaphragm walls) supported by anchor on the lower side. Nowadays, such system has been applied more and more in project excavated deeper than 15m in Beijing. Taking Qiaofu Plaza project with its excavation depth about 22m as an example, the soil nailing force on the upper side of this system was monitored and analyzed. The results show that the force grows fastest when excavated to the bottom of soil nailing wall. When the potential slide line is over the end of soil nailing wall, the force grows slowly to stable. Anchor with pre-stress reduces the horizontal displacement of the foundation pit, meanwhile, the force of soil nailing is little, so the diameter of steel bar in soil nailing wall can be reduced in similar engineering.
Keywords:composite retaining system; foundation pit;  soil nailing wall; piles(or diaphragm wall) supported by anchor; soil nailing stress; monitoring
[1]北京侨福花园广场深基坑工程施工组织设计[R]. 北京:中建国际建设有限公司,2006



