- 摘 要
(浙江大学土木工程系 杭州 310027)
【提要】 通过温州深厚软土地区小直径纯摩擦长桩的静载荷试验和桩身轴力的测试,探讨了小直径纯摩擦长桩的承载力性状和荷载传递机理,把实测摩阻力与理论值进行比较,指出这类桩从承载力角度看,存在着有效桩长。结合测试数据对桩身压缩变形特性进行了计算和讨论,可供纯摩擦长桩的理论研究和工程设计借鉴。
【关键词】 软土地基 纯摩擦长桩 荷载传递 有效桩长 桩身压缩变形
Study on Bearing Behavior of Purefriction Long Pile in Soft Clay/Zhu Kui,Xu Riqing(Department of Civil Engineering,Zhejiang University,Hangzhou 310027,China)
Abstract:The bearing capacity behavior and load transfer mechanism of small diameter purefriction long pile in Wenzhou soft clay area are discussed,based on the static loading test and axial force test.Comparing real friction with theoretical friction,it is presented that the pile has valid length for bearing capacity.Furthermore,the behaviors of pile shaft compression are studied using the testing data.The study on transferring law of axial force and the action of lateral friction resistance of small diameter purefriction long piles in soft clay is beneficial for design application.
Keywords:soft soil foundation;purefriction long pile;load transfer,valid length of pile;pile shaft compression