- 摘 要
(北京市建筑设计研究院 100045)
【提要】 在现行地基基础规范确定的计算原则下,通过分析及公式推导,给出了与规范不同的计算独立基础底板弯矩的计算公式,计算简捷、直接,同时还提出了在偏心荷载作用下确定独立基础底面较合理的设计方法。
【关键词】 独立基础 底板弯矩 冲切高度 基底面积
Simplified Calculation About Base Plate Moment and Area of Single Foundation Under Column/Zhang Qiao,Zhang Guoqing (Beijing Institute of Architectural Design,Beijing 100045,China)
Abstract:Based on the priciples of the current code, an easy and direct equation for calculating the moment of the individual column footing is derived,which is different from the code method.A more reasonable way to design the individual column
footing area is also presented.
Keywords:individual column footing; footing moment; punching shear depth; footing area