您现在的位置:建筑结构>> 期 刊>> 2006年>> 第03期>>正文内容
摘 要

(深圳市星百胜建筑科技开发有限公司  518034)
【提要】  通过近百个采用梁板结构和薄壁筒芯空心楼盖结构的工程实例,对两种不同楼盖结构的布置形式、建模、计算、配筋以及绘制施工
【关键词】  薄壁筒芯空心楼盖  经济性能  对比
Economy Analysis of Castinsitu Concrete Hollow Plate/Fu Liming(Shenzhen Xingbaisheng Architecture Science and Technology
Exploitation Co., Ltd., Shenzhen 518034, China)
Abstract:Based on nearly one hundred engineering projects of castinsitu concrete hollow plate structures and normal beam
slab structures in practice, the construction types, calculation model, placing of steel bar, project quantities, and material cost of the two types structures are compared. The comparison results are calssified according to the load grade and column grid. The economic of the castinsitu concrete hollow plate is discussed under different conditions.
Keywords:castinsitu concrete hollow plate; economy; comparison



