- 摘 要
(1 清华大学 北京 100084;2 华源德根结构工程设计事务所 北京 100011)
【提要】 2008年北京奥运会射击馆的部分室内跨度达到237m,经过结构比选,采用了大跨度现浇预应力空心板技术。结合该工程的特点,介绍了单向预应力空心板的设计、计算方法、步骤和构造措施。
【关键词】 预应力 单向 空心板 异型截面 设计
Application of Castinsitu Prestressed Concrete Hollow Slab Structure in Olympic Shooting Gymnasium/Xu Yan1, Shen Minxia1, Qi Shijian2(1 Tsinghua University,Beijing 100084,China;2 Huayuan Degen Engineers, Beijing 100011, China)
Abstract:Some spans of floor in Beijing Olympic Shooting Gymnasium reach to 23^7m.According to the comparison among different slab types,prestressed concrete hollow slabs are selected.Based on the engineering,the design,calculation method and construction measures of one\|way prestressed hollow slabs are introduced.
Keywords:prestress; one\|way; hollow slab; abnormal section; design