- 摘 要
(1 同济大学建筑工程系 上海 200092;2 中国建筑科学研究院 北京 100013)
【提要】 根据板柱节点受冲切承载力的要求,现浇混凝土空心板柱结构常需配置柱帽或托板。托板的配置使得等代梁刚度有所增大,为此针对配置托板的特点,根据力法基本原理,给出托板对等代梁抗弯刚度和固端弯矩的调整系数,并编制相关的表格。以某多层办公楼为算例说明了相关公式及图表的应用。
【关键词】 现浇空心楼板 板柱结构 托板 等代框架法
Analysis Method for Cast\|in\|situ Concrete Hollow\|slab Column Structures with Drop\|panels/Zhao Yong1,Cheng Zhijun2,Wang Xiaofeng2(1 Department of Building Engineering,Tongji Univ.,Shanghai 200092,China;2 China Academy of Building Research,Beijing 100013,China)
Abstract:Drop\|panels and column caps are often disposed in cast\|in\|situ concrete hollow\|slab column structures for the requirements of punching shear resistant capacity of slab\|column joints.The drop\|panel\|equipped joints factors for adjusting the bending stiffness and fixed\|end bending moment due to the existence of drop\|panels are deduced according to the fundamental of Force Method.Related tables are also presented as references for designers.A calculation example of a multi\|floor building is given to show the applications of these formulas and tables.
Keywords:cast\|in\|situ concrete hollow\|slab; slab column structures; drop\|panel; equivalent frame method