- 摘 要
(中南大学土木建筑学院 长沙 410075)
【提要】 进行了布置筒芯的6m×6m现浇混凝土空心楼盖的试验研究,得到了竖向均布荷载作用下空心楼盖的裂缝发展规律、破坏形态、荷载-挠度关系和极限承载力。结果表明,单向布置筒芯的空心楼盖具有明显的双向受力性质,布置筒芯的现浇混凝土空心楼盖具有良好的变形性能和较高的承载能力。
【关键词】 筒芯 现浇混凝土空心楼盖 试验研究 荷载 挠度
Experimental Study on Castinsitu Concrete Hollow Floor Laying Tube Filler/Yang Jianjun, Cheng Jieyun, Wang Jin, Yang Chengxi, Tan Juxiang(Civil Architectural Engineering College, Central South University, Changsha 410075, China)
Abstract:The 6m×6m castinsitu concrete hollow floor laying tube filler is tested. The development rules of cracks,failure model, loaddeformation relationship and ultimate bearing capacity of the castinsitu concrete hollow floor bearing vertical uniform load are gained. The results show that the castinsitu concrete hollow floor laying tube filler in one way has evident two way character,and it can be provided with good deformation behavior and high bearing capacity.
Keywords:tube filler;castinsitu concrete hollow floor;experimental study;capacity; deformation