- 摘 要
(清华大学 北京 100084)
【提要】 地铁隧道附近的施工活动,会影响到隧道的正常使用和结构安全。讨论了北京紧邻地铁隧道某大厦基础的选型及其对地铁隧道的影响,针对三种基础方案,进行了平面和三维有限元分析,并对工程的基础形式提出了经济、合理、实用的建议。分析工作对地铁附近的工程建设有参考价值。
【关键词】 地铁隧道 有限元 筏板基础 桩基础
FEM Analysis for Building Foundation Schemes Adjacent to Metro Tunnels/Guo Hongxian, Wu Qing, Song Shushuang, Jiang Bo(Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China)
Abstract:Construction activities adjacent to metro tunnels will affect the use of metro tunnels and the safety of structures. The foundation schemes of a building adjacent to metro tunnels in Beijing are discussed. Three foundation projects are analyzed with 2D and 3D finite element models. Some economical and reasonable proposals are put forward. The research work has reference value to the construction near metro tunnels.
Keywords:metro tunnels; FEM; raft foundation; pile foundation