- 摘 要
(长安大学建筑工程学院 西安 710061)
【提要】 框架结构柱网尺寸的选择不仅需要符合建筑设计和使用的要求,同时还要保证经济合理、施工方便。定性和定量分析了影响柱网尺寸确定的主要因素:工程造价、耗材量、施工技术难度、施工工期、空间使用率等,得出了它们与柱网尺寸的关系:柱距的增大使耗材量增大,但并不一定提高工程造价,造价与柱距基本成二次曲线增长,并存在一个合理的造价最低点。利用模糊综合评定理论,建立了选择柱网尺寸的评定模型。通过工程实例,找出了最经济合理的柱网尺寸,并证明模糊综合评定法对具有多因素干扰的评定具有简明适用的特点。
【关键词】 结构工程 柱网尺寸 影响因素 综合效益 模糊综合评定
Economic Analysis and Optimum Choice for Arrangement of Columns in Frame Structure/Li Jianfeng,Zhang Ying,Xiong Qingyuan,Luo Jianguo(School of Construction Engineering,Chang'an University,Xi'an 710061,China)
Abstract:In the frame structure,the choice of arrangement for coloumns should not only accord with the architecture design and the requirement of using,but also should insure that it is economical and convenience for construct.Aiming at the main factors with influence the confirm of the arrange for columns,such as the cost of the construction, the consumption of the material, the degree of the difficulty for construction, time,the rate of using the room,qualitative and quantitative analysis is made;according to the date from the specific project, relationship between the main factors and the change of the distance of columns is concluded.The increasing of the distance for coloumns brings the increasing of consumption, but not for the cost,and there will be a lowest point for the cost.The results improve that the fuzzy comprehensive appraisal method is a simpleunderstand and applicable method when it is used in evaluation which is influnced by several factors.
Keywords:structure engineering;influence factors;integrative beneficial;fuzzy comprehensive appraisal method