- 摘 要
(1 哈尔滨工业大学 150090; 2 汕头大学 515063)
【提要】 通过几何缩尺比为1∶300的刚性模型,对高层开洞建筑进行了测压风洞试验。研究了C类地面粗糙度类别,16个来流风向条件下,两种不同开洞率和三种不同开洞位置以及二个全封闭模型的各表面风压分布特性,并绘制了风向平行于孔洞时模型外表面的风压系数等值线分布图。根据试验结果,对各种模型各个表面的平均风压系数、体型系数进行了计算。通过与数值风洞计算结果的对比及建筑荷载规范的比较,对建筑风荷载体型系数测试和取值方面的一些问题进行了初步的讨论,提出了建议,供进一步研究参考。
【关键词】 开洞建筑 风洞试验 风压分布 风荷载体型系数
Wind Tunnel Measuring Pressure Tests of Tall Buildings with Opening/Zhang Yaochun1, Ni Zhenhua2, Wang Chungang1, Qin Yun1(1 Harbin Institute of Tech., Harbin 150090,China; 2 Shantou University,Shantou 515063,China)
Abstract:Using rigid models with a geometrical scale of 1∶300, the wind tunnel tests of tall buildings with opening are conducted under the velocity in site terrain roughness of category C. The wind pressure distribution character on every
surface of models with two types of opening ratio and three different opening positions and two models without opening are measured in wind tunnel at sixteen different wind incidences. Contours of pressure coefficient distribution on model
surfaces are plotted at the coming wind parallel to the hole. Based on the results of tests, area pressure coefficients and wind load shape coefficients of all surfaces of models are computed. According to the comparison of the results between computed by computing wind engineering (Fluent 60) and the tests including the comparison of the full occluded condition to load code for the design of building structures, some questions about measuring and choosing the building wind load shape coefficient are primitively discussed. Several suggestions are put forward to supply reference for the further study.
Keywords:tall buildings with opening; wind tunnel test; wind pressure distribution; wind load shape coefficients