- 摘 要
(1 山西省民用建筑设计研究院,太原,030012;2 太原理工大学建筑与环境工程学院,030024;3 山西大学工程学院,太原,030013)
【提要】 加筋垫层能够提高地基承载力,增加地基稳定性。对某土质条件的加筋垫层进行现场试验,研究加筋垫层的作用和影响加筋效果的主要因素。分析了加筋层数、筋带间距、加筋线密度等参数对加筋地基强度和变形的影响。试验结果表明,垫层加筋后地基承载力显著增加,
【关键词】 现场试验 加筋垫层 土压力 加筋效果 影响因素
Experimental Study on Belt Geosynthesticreinforced Gravel of Soft Soil/Qi Liansheng1, Zhang Lanting1,Huang Xianzhi2,3,Bai Xiaohong2(1 Shanxi Institute of Civil Architecture Design and Research,Taiyuan 030012,China;2 College of Civil and Environmental Engineering,Taiyuan University of Technology,Taiyuan 030024,China;3 College of Engineering,Shanxi University,Taiyuan 030013,China)
Abstract:The geosynthesitcreinforced layer can improve the bearing capacity and strengthen the stability of the ground.Based on the soil condition,geosynthesticreinforced layer is tested to study the effect of reinforced layer and the main affecting factors.The factors such as layers,distance between the belts,linear density of the reinforced layer that affect the strengthen and deformation of the ground,are analysized.The results show that the bearing capacity of the strengthened ground improves greatly,especially for the double reinforced layers.For the double layers,the bottom reinforcement plays role firstly with the increasing load.The main factors are layers and the distance of reinforced layer that affect the reinforced results.
Keywords:field test; geosynthesticreinforced layer; soil pressure; effect of reinforced layer; effect factors